Prof. dr hab. inż.


Katedra Mechaniki Stosowanej

Head of Department 313/314

+48 815384197 (198)


GRANT OPUS 21 - 2021/41/B/ST8/03190

Title "Regular and chaotic oscillations of nonlinear multi-stable systems with active elements for energy harvesting"
"Drgania regularne i chaotyczne nieliniowych układów wielostabilnych z elementami aktywnymi do odzyskiwania energii" (in Polish)

Coordinator-Principal Investigator: Prof. Jerzy Warminski
Co-Investigators: Assoc. Prof. Jaroslaw Latalski, Dr. Andrzej Mitura, Dr. Lukasz Kloda
Young Researchers/PhD Students: Eng. Danyil Melnyk
Laboratory Researcher: MSc Eng. Marcin Kowalczuk  

Duration: 15.01.2022-15.01.2025
Budget: 909 600 PLN

Keywords:  chaotic vibrations, bifurcations, active elements, energy harvesting, vibreation control 

Project summary: The scientific problem of the project is to propose original nonlinear systems which after proper tuning to excitation conditions exhibit dynamical response useful for energy harvesting. Two type of structural element will be taken under investigations: (1) nonlinear beams made of composite or isotropic materials subjected to excitations under selected internal and external resonances, (2) composite shells with specific laminate configurations producing two or more steady states. In both cases active elements will be applied for energy harvesting. The challenge will be the development of mathematical models of the structures which will consider an integrated smart electro-mechanical system. The governing equations of motion representing the system mechanical domain will be derived in a form of nonlinear partial differential equations additionally coupled with an equation comprising terms representing properties of active elements. The partial differential equations will be solved directly by the multiple scale method. The analytical results will be validated by direct numerical computations in FEM and by experimental tests. The second challenge will be an elaboration of reduced models of nonlinear beams and multi-stable shells with active elements which will adequately represent nonlinear effects observed in nonlinear harvesters and confirmed by real experimental tests.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17